Jesus & The Bible

Would you like to read the Bible with me?

One of the best ways you can encounter Jesus and learn more about Him is by reading God’s word, The Bible. The Bible can seem really confusing, hard to understand, even irrelevant, so we would love to invite you to read the Bible with us. In as little as half an hour, in a cafe, at home, outdoors, or anywhere that suits you, together we can learn more about Jesus and the amazing things He did, and the person that He is. Reach out to organise a time to read the Bible together.

Jesus isn’t a slang word, or something you say when frustrated, He is a person, the son of God.

As a human race we once were closely connect with God but humans messed it up and ‘sin’ entered the picture. Our relationship became disconnected with God but that was not what He wanted. His plan to fix this was Jesus.

Jesus, God’s only Son, was born into this world, and gave up His life by being crucified on a cross. Jesus took our sin through His death and now we can receive that forgiveness and relationship as a free gift. Jesus also promises us eternal life in heaven when we surrender our life to Him.

It sounds strange and can be hard to understand, especially when you live a good life, but ultimately, regardless of how good we are, we’re all in the same boat, imperfect and separated from God.

Understanding and learning about Jesus is a journey, a journey that we would love to be part of. It is the best journey and decision you could ever make. Let’s chat more about Jesus together! Reach out and we can talk it out together.

In the meantime, here are some Bible verses you could start reading about Jesus

John 3

Romans 5

John 10

Colossians 2

Who is Jesus?