
Cafe Sessions

Launching Sept 14th

Saturday 14th Sept -2.30pm - Palate & Ply Cafe

Whether you’re curious about church or just looking for a place to connect, this gathering could be for you. It will be casual and relaxed, bring the kids and meet some new people

Alpha - Tuesdays from 17th Sept

There is nothing you can't ask and everyone is welcome. Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that create a safe and honest space where people can explore life, faith and meaning.

What to expect......

Connections - All sessions will start with dinner and have a time to connect, relax and build friendships.

Content - The Alpha talks are designed to engage people from all walks of life and inspire conversation. They explore the big issues of life and faith and unpack the basics of Christian belief, addressing questions like “Who is Jesus?”, “Why and how do I pray?” and “How does God guide us?”

Conversation - One of the most important parts of any Alpha: the chance to share thoughts and ideas on the topic, and discuss in a small group. There’s no obligation to say anything and there’s nothing you can’t say (seriously). It’s an opportunity to hear from others and contribute your own perspective in an honest, friendly and open environment.

Check Out More About Alpha HERE

To Sign up and Join us for Alpha Click HERE


Sunday fortnights we gather together, share brunch, worship, pray, read the Bible or hear a short message. We do life together with plenty of fun and laughs along the way. We are currently meeting at home, so please contact us for the address and we would love to meet you

Muse Meals

Once a month we get together for ‘MUSE Meals’. Bring something to share and we will debrief the week. Reach out to us for the details.

Mates and Musings

Mates and Musings is just for the guys! Enjoy a meal, a beer if you are keen, and have real conversations. We will spend time asking each other ‘What’s good?’, ‘What are you struggling with?’, and ‘How can I help?’…… CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS